
Half of the turnover in logistics is made in Bucharest and Ilfov

The Romanian companies with CAEN codes 5221 (services ancillary to land transport) and 5229 (other activities ancillary to transport) achieved in 2019 a total turnover of 2.89 billion euros, representing 0.77% of the turnover achieved by all the companies in Romania, and a profit of 142.7 million euros (0.49% of the total). There are in total in these two industries 2,738 active companies (0.14% of the total number of companies in Romania), which have 44,571 employees (1.12% of the total number of employees in the country).

The highest turnover was registered in Bucharest (1,206.20 million euros, representing 0.93% of the total turnover of the companies in the city), Ilfov (353.80/1.44%), Bihor (222.90/2.66%), Constanța (126.50/1.10%), Giurgiu (124.88/7.39%), Timiș (124.50/0.77%), Arad (109.90/1.63%), Cluj (77.20/0.51%), Brașov (42.60/0.30%) and Prahova (37.20 million euros turnover in logistics, representing 0.29% of the turnover of all the companies in Prahova). Therefore, excepting Cluj, Brașov and Prahova, the other seven counties had a higher share than the national average of logistics turnover in total turnover, which is 0.77%. The highest percentages were registered in Giurgiu, Bihor and Ilfov. The 10 counties with the lowest turnover in logistics are Vaslui, Tulcea, Brăila, Vrancea, Bistrița-Năsăud, Ialomița, Bacău, Covasna, Gorj and Teleorman, which have between 0.22 and 4 million euros. The turnover in logistics represents less than 0.77% of the total turnover of the county – the national average – in all these counties, with the highest values in Vaslui and Tulcea and the lowest in Bacău and Teleorman.

Bucharest, Ilfov and Constanța lead in profit ranking

The highest profits from logistics were registered in Bucharest (51.20 million euros, representing 0.49% of the profit of all the companies in the city), Ilfov (18.90/1.14%), Constanța (14.20/1.36%), Bihor (7.50/1.03%), Timiș (5.30/0.44%), Cluj (4.60/0.32%), Arad (4.47/1.03%), Giurgiu (4.35/2.59%), Prahova (3.23/0.36%) and Argeș (2.26/0.28%). The value of the logistics profit in the total profit was lower than the national average of 0.49% in four counties, of which the lowest values were in Prahova, Cluj and Argeș and the highest values were registered in Giurgiu, Constanța and Ilfov.

The counties with the lowest profit in logistics, under €300,000, are Botoșani, Brăila, Bacău, Alba, Tulcea, Covasna, Gorj, Vrancea, Ialomița and Teleorman. In none of them the share is above the national average of 0.49% logistics profit in the total profit, but the highest values are in Botoșani, Covasna and Tulcea and the lowest are in Bacău and Teleorman.

The Romanian companies with CAEN codes 5221 (services ancillary to land transport) and 5229 (other activities ancillary to transport) achieved in 2019 a total turnover of 2.89 billion euros, representing 0.77% of the turnover achieved by all the companies in Romania, and a profit of 142.7 million euros (0.49% of the total). There are in […]

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